Jazzfest Berlin
Den tyske Jazzfest Berlin, der arrangeres af Berliner Festspiele, blev valgt gennem en todelt procedure. Først blev alle 160+ medlemsorganisationer fra 34 lande bedt om at pege på en potentiel vinder. Ud fra de 17 nominerede spillesteder fandt en udpeget jury fra EJN vinderen. Juryen motiverer valget således:
—Jazzfest Berlin is the perfect choice for the 10th EJN Award for Adventurous Programming. It is one of the oldest jazz festivals in Europe and yet it has been able to innovate itself, striving to break musical and cultural boundaries. This included engaging with a younger generation of organisers and artists, experimenting with new fruition spaces and commissioning innovative musical projects. Three years ago it appointed a young woman as artistic director - the first in its history - and in the year of the pandemic it created a fantastic programme in several locations including a live “musical bridge” between Berlin and New York, reminding us about the importance of collaboration and exchanges at a time of acute isolation. These are the traits of a festival that is not afraid to take risks and push its limits- just as jazz and creative music should do!
Juryen bestod i 2021 af Pelin Opcin (Serious/EFG London Jazz Festival, UK), Antonis Zouganelis (Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival, Greece), Sofia Jernberg (artist, Sverige), Christine Stephan (JAZZTHETIK magazine, Tyskland) samt repræsentanter fra foregående vindere: Christoph Huber (Porgy & Bess, Østrig) & Jan Ole Otnæs (Victoria-Nasjonal Jazzscene, Norge.
Yderligere oplysninger kan findes på Europe Jazz Networks website: https://www.europejazz.net/